Folks: I'm NOT asking if this is "right or wrong". I already know the answer to THAT question. And any engineer worth his salt will agree (though on only some level)....(sounds like "no good Scotsman to me....)
So, capacitance (actually "Inductance") within a generator head is largely forgotten in the modern vernacular of modern-day generators. But, many of us know that LRA (locked rotor amperage) is a defining factor in getting a motor to turn, when using a generator. It ain't the "run" amps that you need to START a device, it's the "LRA" that counts.
Now, given the MASSIVE flywheels of a Lister-design, and as a function of them, the VAST momentary momentum (instantaneous horse-power (ahem....torque)), these engines are, compared to modern "engineering"....most amazing.
So then, to a poll I propose:
Given (let's say) a 8 HP lister design...or perhaps a 12 hp (as in my case)....what's the LARGEST generator head anyone has used to pull massive 1 power-factor at some astounding momentary amperage (given the horsepower of the engine)?
OBVIOUSLY, I'm not talking about using an 8 or 12 hp lister to pull a demand of 12 or 20 KW of power, on a constant-demand basis. That would be absolutely ludicrous....all would agree. But...let's say that you've got an air conditioner at 220V, that pulls 60 amps on locked-rotor-amperage. Demand at that 60 amps is....1 second? And then, after that, you're running the AC unit at 12 amps. Nothing substantial for the 8 or 12 hp engine.
I'm contemplating running a 20 KW ST head on my 12 hp single. This, to overcome the LRA demands of several "intermittent" electrical motors within a potential "emergency circuit". The flywheel on the engine, as well the flywheel on the 20 ST head will provide substantial instantaneous power...
I'm not asking for theoretical opinions about this, from the brotherhood-of-electrical-power-generation. I'm asking for "real-world" results from this craft, who have bothered to "tickle the dragons belly"....