So...I was "just checking" the status of my 6/1 Lovson Listeroid this evening. I'd run her during the hurricane that just came through Florida, and had neglected the lass these past several days, due to more pressing matters...
It's dark out, and I'm working with me headlamp. Checking the alignment, the belt, thinking of draining the 50-gallon cooling tower (NO, no thermostat for me, thank you very much)...
And what do you know, after the family and I returned from dinner at a local Mexican restaurant, up pops a south-moving torrent from Tallahassee. BIG storm. LOTS of lightning. I didn't know it at the time, as I was simply working with the head lamp. But, I looked across the yard towards the house, and noticed it was DARK. Humph. Maybe we lost power? Sure enough, we lost a tree across the main power lines, about a mile from the house.
I called the bride on the phone, and enquired about the status of the darkness. She confirmed that we'd lost street power. "Ah!", I said. "Well then, lovely woman, would you be so kind as to throw the main in the house?"
And, within 30 seconds, we were back up. Running the emergency-plan, yes. But who needs hot water and air conditioning, when it's supposed to be only 72 F tonight?
A wonderful evening, indeed.