Lister Engines > Petteroids

TX3 head smoking


HI, I have a TX3 in an old dumper and its developed a smoking issue where i am seeing white smoke coming from the side just below the rear rocker cover.

I have been on the facebook group which has been very helpful and it was suggested a head gasket which after some investigation seems to be correct.. however it was also suggested that there is no head gasket and the only way to correct it is to have the block and head refaced.. which is a huge job and not one i wish to undertake.

Can anyone confirm this is correct and if so is there a way roudn it.. high temp gasket sealer perhaps.. failing that..l anyone got a TX3 engine for sale that works  ???

This link might help, it's a service manual for the TS, TR and TX engines - so presumably will contain a section somewhere (a 5 second glance didn't find it) about getting the heads off/on.

Thanks @AdeV, I have a copy of this manual already -


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