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Running A/C compressor with Listeroid CS
I run a 3-ton AC system off my 12/1 and 16/2, electrically. The KEY is to be able to produce sufficient amperage, according to the LRA spec on the condenser unit. That can easily be handled by oversizing your actual generator head. Me, I use 20kw generator heads, even on my smaller engines. THIS provides the momentary starting amperage to get the AC running, and after's all gravy.
Howdy everyone!
It's been a little bit since I have posted, mainly due to lack of time on my part, but the mind is still whirring away non stop. You would think by now that
auto manufacturers would have moved in toward efficiency with respect to A/C especially with the greenie's breathing down their necks, but it looks and
sounds like that may not be the case. Perhaps it could be that a reciprocating style A/C compressor of the commercial type might work, along with a
magnetic clutch of sorts. The gen head I have is rated at 13.5 Kw, so in combination with the flywheel mass and a hard start kit for the A/C, it could well
be done that way as was mentioned. The fuel will be biodiesel, which will be distilled on site using local WVO as the feed stock. Adding to all of this might be
some batteries and an inverter to maximize usage and gain more off grid time. Now I just need the Spring weather to make a return, so that I can start
chipping away at things. I hope this find everyone doing well :)
They have moved towards better efficiency. Recip compressors haven't been used in decades. Scroll and swashplate compressors are the norm now. Electrically driven compressors and heat pumps have also started making their way in. They started in electric cars out of necessity but have started showing up in combustion engine cars because of the increased efficiency.
The inefficiency is due to not being able to reasonably or affordably design a system that will work in any and every climate from the arctic to the mojave while giving several hundred thousand miles of service with little or no problems.
In your situation where you will be building for primarilly steady state and stationary use your system if properly engineered would fall much more in line with unitary equipment and be considerably more efficient. The one caveat being the compressor. If using an automotive compressor it will be less efficient than an electrically driven compressor that is properly sized for the load. Automotive compressors are designed for robustness first and efficiency second.
If you like to tinker it is definitely a worthwhile project and I would be interested to hear how it goes. I think when all is said and done electrically driving the system is the way to go though.
Any thoughts on refrigerant type and do you have a source for refrigerant?
With the price you are paying for electricity and the inexpensive fuel you have access to I would think either way you could save some money using the listeroid. What part of the world are you in?
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