Regarding drilling...I too considered it "last resort" until I actually did it. It turns out that the designated keys are of standard dimensions and construction, and CAN be had off the inter web for reasonable price. Or, if such a man exists who considers himself unashamed in his pursuits of metal removal from a substrate, Machinery's Handbook contains the taper and dimensions...
Building the drill-jig was simple, and employing said jig was also simple. I just happened to have a drill of sufficient length to finish the task. I'd assume that the Amazon gods would shine favorably upon anyone seeking such endeavors....
A simple electric hand drill was employed for twisting power. A reasonable estimate of intended depth was utilized, in attempts to NOT drill through the back-angle cut into the shaft keyway. I was easily able to prevent such dastardly results.
Yes, the drilling took some time. In total, an afternoon from noon till ~ 4pm was burned (including the making of the drill-jig). having done it, and in possession of said jig, if I were to encounter another stuck key....I'd snicker after a few good whacks with a drillers hammer and some wedges, walking from said Listeroid, muttering something to the effect of, " have no idea what kind of violence I'm about to visit upon your insistent soulless life."
And...should a brother find himself entirely destitute, in need of moral and physical support, I'll allow the borrowing of said jig. But....I'm not so keen on same, for the drill bit.