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6/1 generator build

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Picked up this 6/1 last fall, started cutting and welding on the frame to mount a generator and move the engine. Lots of adjustment on the generator base. Strut in both directions plus a slide base for belt tension. I have several various ST heads and L belts so this will accommodate any head and take anywhere from a L91.5" belt to a 106" belt.  Putting the 6/1 in the center of the frame so I can place a mill on the other end for grinding wheat and corn off the second flywheel.

After running out of Argon and getting a new bottle I finished up the engine mount while fighting the wind blowing my shield gas. Removed the Generator dog house and will pull wires up into a control box with the exception of the bridge rectifier. The control box will have a contactor, breaker and voltage monitor relay along with Current, volts, Hertz, and hour meter. The voltage monitor relay will pick up the contactor when the generator voltage is within a good range (probably 210-250 volts) and drop out outside of this range. This is to drop out the generator on a shut down with a load to save the charge on the field. Bottom of the box will have a 30 amp twist lock plug to plug my 8 gauge SO cord in to the barn.

Very nice work. Welding in the wind can be very challenging but it looks to have come out OK. A 30 Amp outlet is a bit excessive, the 6/1 will stall at between 10 and 15 amps.
Looking forward to the rest of your build.


Yes, everything is oversized like the 7.5 kw gen head and I have a 8/1 that needs gone through that I'll swap out at a later date. Figured I would get the bugs worked out with this build and provide power to the barn until I can fix the 8/1 in time. Plus the 30 amp plug matches my 7kw  3600 rpm screamer so all the plugs are identical.

Hi Glassblower, sounds like a plan. I am planning to fit an electrical inlet on the outside of my shed, this will allow me to hookup any one of my many generators when we get power outages.
Be warned the 8/1 is only a 6/1 with an aluminium piston allowing more RPMs, you will need a smaller pulley on the ST if you want to use that extra horsepower.



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