Apologies gents, I didn't see your responses I've just found the emails in Spam whilst looking for something else, I've now whitelisted the email address.
I have now found out that you were both correct, it is a CW from the flywheel end as I've had it running using a starting handle, it sounds quite sweet, so pretty happy (currently) with the purchase.
But I an still a little confused as to which starter motor I need, as the flywheel runs clockwise from the flywheel end, then I would need a starter motor that spins ACW when viewed from the flywheel, BUT I suspect that when a supplier quotes CW they mean when viewed from the front of the engine, which is the correct way, or am I losing my marbles?
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/393889850413I 'think' this is the one I want, but I'm not 100% sure, as to whether I need a spacer is another matter.