Hello all.
I'm a bit behind in this post but I just thought I'd mention what I've done with my listeroid as a back up for my solar/wind hybrid system, and it relates to the original post about flicker.
I live totally off grid in Northern Saskatchewan Canada.
My considerations for power were, ease of production, ease of management, ease of dealing with redundancy of any part of the system.
I ruled out using a generator head (120V single phase), because when the engine is switched off I wouldn't have power in the cabin.
So I chose to have a 12VDC battery bank (1200Amp hours wet deep cycle lead acid), and a solar / wind hybrid system to charge. These batteries are relatively cheap and easily accessible, the new lithium iron phos batteries up here cost about the same (each) as for 12 batteries. And I would need 12 of them to serve my needs...I wanted power not another mortgage!
12VDC required heavy 0 gauge cables but when the cost of the 24/48/60 volt invertors were added in it made financial sense to me.
I use two 3000W invertors. The loads being split between them. If one invertor packs in I can hop the loads to the remaining one until I get a replacement which are cheap.
If I opted for the new charge controller invertor combination the cost was four times more and although it would simplify installation, I would be pooched if it packed up ..redundancy again.
Solar/ wind generation....it's a very sunny place here, (except at night haha), but at my latitude the winter days are short, saying that it's nearly always windy...
So...there that redundancy again.
That brings me to the listeroid.
A petrol invertor generator could be used as as back up, and I have tried that, work's fairly well, and if used as a sole source of power used 8 liters in 24 hours. In combo with batteries then I had to use a 40A charger, this increased the amount of petrol being used by 50% (12 litres a day at @ $2.20 a litre is expensive).
If I had used a generator head 120V I would have to have created a bypass switch to swap from battery to Mains.
Also I would be still converting 120V to 12V to charge and then back to 120V through the invertors.
So I opted for the Delco 32SI alternator. 12VDC and 170A max.
This alternator has a smart sense function, which allows a connection from a terminal to the positive lead to increase the voltage for bigger batteries on trucks, with this I can keep at 14.8VDC and charge very quickly.
The alternator is driven by an 8 rib serpentine belt from the flywheel to a 2.5" pulley on the alternator.
At 600 rpm it's cruising along at 5000rpm at the pulley.
The alternator cost was 1/3rd that of a generator head.
I used a long belt. (12ft) and it doesn't squeal as it has a great grab on the pulley.
The battery invertor set up means pure power at the mains in the cabin, no flicker, safe for the few electronics I use, and I easily get 50A whenever I want.
The set up means I'm not having to turn a big AC generator head and it saves big time on fuel for the listeroid, no voltage fluctuations, and a reliable redundancy for when it's not sunny or no wind.
Long winded I know but there may be some ideas in my long windedness that may help.
All the best.