I did not think the 165's were available with electric start.
One of the suppliers I talked to, the one I bought my Laidong engines from, said she could get R165 compressors with an integrated electric drive motor. She called this the R165M.
I am working to get my Chinese partner to show me a few compressors from the factory he is loosely associated with. These seem to be updated Yanmar clones, with integrated oil filter rigs and other features. I still want details and pictures. He says the workmanship and details on these engines are a "premium" brand for that factory.
He works loosely with Chang Xing engines, who have a high-line model they call Yang Man. These seem similar in form to Changmei's line "Yangmai" and Changfa's "Gold Crown" product lines, and look to be the commercial marine variant of these engine designs. They come in variants ranging up to 42hp or so, from a single cylinder.
When he provides pictures and details, I will share them here in the forum, if anyone is curious.
I intend to import a couple of compressors of this type. One, I will work with to put a spark plug in and convert to wood gas. I will feed pictures and video back to my Chinese connection, so he can advertise an alternative fuel option. Maybe we will design some production parts of that type together, too. :-) I have asked him to gather me a couple of parts for the R165 and 175F engines, for measurement and drawing.
The other one of these air compressors, I will sell to someone here, if they are interested.
It would be instructive to me, to find out what one of their premier "air compressors" is truly worth, in this market. The compressor itself will cost $X, plus $Y for shipping and handling, plus $Z to help me keep the lights on. The total of $X+$Y+$Z will still have to be attractive to customers, and $Z will have to be worthwhile. Not because I want to zap people for money, but because there is an opportunity cost, and time I would spend to bring these compressors in and get them ready for customers. I still need to break even, or the wife will say that we can't afford to build this small business.
If anyone has a CAD software package and an engine, and would like to donate a drawing of a simple plate, with dimensioned holes, that would cover the fuel pump port in the crank case, that would decrease my expense for turning out variant parts for different compressor models. Similarly, dimensioned drawings of an air take-off tube that would replace the injector and seal up in the same way, have facilities for securing it with the injector hold-down bolts, and have threads for a simple pipe cap on the other end of the tube, I could have parts produced from those drawings instead of having to pay to have drawings produced from parts I would purchase and send to another shop, to have measured. I'm happy to keep designs provided by folks here, as public domain.
I personally suffer from the delusion that Americans and others who happen to be situated here, will need access to small, efficient sources of ... compressed air ... in the near to mid-term future. This will be key to their survival, as they try to restart small-scale agriculture to keep themselves fed.