Very helpful info, John. I'm surprised that the minimal power of a voltage and power monitoring circuit would keep the SOM running once the larger load is removed. Yes, sensing on the 24V side might be a good solution to avoid messing with the SOM start circuit. There are DC voltage controlled relays which could then do the job.
If you can connect on the DC generator side so that the relay is only powered when the generator is running that would avoid a load on your batteries. (Upstream of a diode between DC generator and battery would do this.) I'm not familiar with the SOM 24V charger circuitry so if you have a schematic/wiring diagram I can look at, that would be helpful. Ideally we'd like 24VDC to power your overspeed sensing that is only present when the engine is running.
You'll have to test and monitor via VOM to see if DC sensing will reliably detect engine overspeed, once you've repaired your charge current limiting resistor.
If a rise in DC volts with overspeed doesn't look viable in testing, then we might look for an AC over frequency sensing relay powered by 24VDC to avoid the SOM start circuit troubles. Frequency sensing relays are quite pricey, so I'd look at voltage sensing first.
AC frequency sensing via Arduino is readily available, and the Arduino 5V could be powered from the 24V side, but hopefully we can avoid that approach.
I'm in central eastern Arizona, USA.
Best Wishes,