
What is your opinion on the board(s) we currently have set up on the Lister Engine Forum?

They're just fine as they are, thank you! No changes needed.
They're OK, just a few changes needed
Not ideal, I find it hard to decide where to put a post.
Dreadful. We need a complete re-organisation, and the sooner the better!

Author Topic: Forum Reorganisation - your assistance needed please!  (Read 5098 times)


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Re: Forum Reorganisation - your assistance needed please!
« Reply #15 on: May 27, 2022, 09:08:39 AM »
Hi MIhit

Thanks for that,

Like I said. I've migrated down to a Chromebook, cheap (er) fairly rugged and is Android, like my phone and Kindle, put two fingers on the screen of any of them, slide the fingers out and it's nearly as good as Braille!!

I'm rather old school when it comes to things that go suck, squeeze, bang etc. I'm an operator, not a secretary. On my last contract I got issued a bloody great HP laptop, a giant screen and a remote mouse. after 10 minuets of loosing emails  (I try to avoid Outlook) and failing to open two documents at once I shut the laptop and used it to rest my Chromebook on.

I found the hard copy drawings, got out my kiddies colouring crayons and after a morning with everyone shaking their heads in disbelief ripped holes in the overly complicated fuel transfer / ballast system, bilge system and emergency generator. I got left to my own devices after that.......

When we finally got to Azerbaijan the government had locked down the internet and the only device that would get emails was my 3 year old Kindle, I was quite restrained with my comments regarding the £6000 of Apple kit that was on the other three desks!

I really ought to spend more time wearing one of those grumpy old men tee shirts.....


Tighten 'til it strips, weld nut to chassis, peen stud, adjust with angle grinder.