Ok, I will attempt to make out exactly what you have in your pics.
To me it is not a carby but it is a fuel mixer which means that the large knurled knob on top of the green part in your 1st pic is only a needle valve and should screw straight out. To confirm this turn the assembly upside down and look at the inside where the needle comes down to confirm my theory.
In the second picture that part is for the needle to contact and should not be removed from the float assembly. Again if you look at the green assembly in the 1st pic there should be a needle and seat to control the fuel flow. That is the only part you need to dismantle and clean. Leave the float assembly alone other than lifting it out of the float chamber and cleaning the bowl.
If this is not the case please post more pics of the under side of both assemblies, the float chamber and mixer body. Also if you have trouble removing the main metering needle (the large knob on top) then start soaking the lot in a penetrating oil, diesel or anything to get into the thread to free it up. Electrolysis is also very good at removing rust and freeing up tight screws. Let me know what happens but do not force anything.