Alternative fuels > Waste Motor Oil
3/4" needle valve
See pics?
I have been looking at needle valves and they're not cheap
But gravity-feed isn't demanding and so a cheap Chinese one might do the trick?
I attach a link - should be easy to google
Is there a whole question in your post ??
What's the application?
For what you are doing (WMO feed regulation) it should be fine.
The only issue with needle valves for WMO is the tendency to clog due to the fine passages around the tip of the needle.
Stringy bits can cause a obstruction very quickly.
So ... make sure your oil is well filtered. Maybe down to 5 microns.
Hi Yes, I have a 4 micron filter drum. But my oil is effectively "new" anyway - I've had no issues to date with blockages
What I have is gearbox oil with no combustion by-products or casual mixing with engine filter bits or brake fluid or whatever - and then diluted a little with diesel as I establish what works & what doesn't. Its only contaminants are metal particles from gear wear - and I'm hoping that by letting 200-litre drums stand for a few years and then just using the top 80% or so, that these will simply "gravity out". It seems to be very, very non-hygroscopic - when we drain gearboxes there tends to be a teaspoon or two of "clean" water in the bottom if the water-trap diaphragms have failed; but there doesn't seem to be mixture
I'll bring the feed assembly home this weekend and fit that valve below the existing isolating valve. I'm keen to see if I can get an improved drip consistency within the limits of temperature/hydraulic pressure etc
Mihit - no, no question. Just an observation - there had been some conversation around the use of needle valves. But good-looking ones are expensive - so I'm keen to have a play with this Chinese cheapie
Hi Mike,
That one you linked is for hydraulic service and has a one-way check valve in it. Gravity won't open the check, so unless you can remove the check valve I doubt it will work.
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