I report the 6-1 is now running reliably without nozzle issues however has low compression and needs the glowplug to start. During the warm up period antifreeze will seep up around the studs on the intake and exhaust side of the head and when fully up to temperature of 200 the seepage stops and the engine runs steady with much less diesel "knock" than previously and with less power and more smoke. I want to find some head and base gaskets before I take it apart to inspect for broken or stuck rings that I do have spares for. I would consider an entire top end of the 5 stud style for spare parts and swap out my old set to fix the problem it seems I have in that the liner protrudes too far off the deck. Being that the engine is so far from home this option would be my preferred plan. I welcome any advice on where to get parts or what to do next.