Hello everyone and and thank you for accepting my membership request. I am new to this forum and to Lister engines in general. I have a DES 18/1 (Listeroid) I am assembling from a kit and noticed something odd with the oiling system. I (hopefully) uploaded some pics to help ask my question.
I removed the crankcase door to view the internals of the engine. I followed the oil distribution lines to understand how the lubrication system works.
The line on the left appears to dump oil directly onto a roller bearing.
The right side is similar but has what appears to have a flow restrictor of some sort. Notice that it points away from the roller bearing.
The center connecting pipe appears to be split in the middle.
I have not been able to find any pics of the lubrication system online so unfortunately I have no example to reference.
Does anyone know:
1) Should the left line have a flow restrictor?
2) Should the right line be pointing toward the bearing and should it have a flow restrictor?
3) Is it unusual for the center connecting pipe to look like that? (Could it be two pieces and what I see is a seem that should be there)
Any help you can provide would be appreciated!