Alternative fuels > Straight Vegetable Oil
Has anyone increased the pop pressure of the injector on a Lister cs 8/1 running on WVO or is this not a good idea?
Good question,
A few years ago I sold 2 Listeroids to a fellow who had been running wvo for 5 years in an older Lister.
He experimented with all kinds of stuff and he told me that when I start running WVO in my Lister I should "lower" my pop pressure a little bit.
That did not make sense to me so I didn't do it.
That makes good sense. (best to leave it set to original Lister factory settings).
Check this out its a serious university report on running a lister 6/1 on vegoil with 3 simple modifications. Personally I think it is flawed. They make a preheater out of the CS bung to increase the fuel temperature to 90 degC just before it enters the injector. I dont believe this is of any benefit at all. They have a thermostat on the engine and they do all their testing when the engine is up to 90 deg C. Not once do they ever do a test without preheating the fuel even when they don't use their fancy preheater they use electric heating on the injector pipe. How can they know if it makes any difference when they haven't tested it with no preheating?
In their report they increase the injector pressure and adjust the timing. They recommend 15Mpa injector pressure which is 148 atmospheres. This is nearly the same as the injector pressure for the 16/2 engines see excerpt from 1971 Lister manual. They also advance the injection to 25 deg BTDC which again is similar to the 16/1 setting.
One thing that they did state lower down in the article...
"All parameters point toward an optimized tuning of the injector timing at 25º BTDC with an IVOP of15MPa."
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