If you helpful lads would indulge this newbie a bit more:
I discovered a brass plug near the exhaust valve lifter lever, with "OIL" stamped on it.
I had missed that when preparing to do an oil change on my 6/1.
Looking up the Instruction Book (Book 103/666), it says it is to lubricate the camshaft, with 1/4 pint oil.
How is this oil checked and replenished? That is, how to remove the old oil first, or is that not necessary?
Also, my engine came with a can with big holes in it, attached to the inlet - looks original.
There is nothing inside it in the way of a filter.
I see in the parts section of my Instruction Book an illustration of a different device, a simple elbow, part no. 8-3-176.
It's referred to as an Air Inlet Flange.
I happen to have one of these too. It also has no filter, just a screen with some holes. I can't see how a filter could be
installed in it, as it's welded up.
I'm curious as to what to make of these things. Why have they no filters? And two variations?
My engine is in a shed, and not subject to much dust if any, but there are these pesky mud wasps
that like to plug up any small hole with mud, which won't do anything good for the Lister if they get
sucked into it.
Any advices gladly received.