Author Topic: It made me smile anyway  (Read 1485 times)


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It made me smile anyway
« on: February 03, 2019, 03:04:56 AM »
Been some time since I've added an update. The 'Roid is still ticking over great, gets some use nearly every week doing something. Had a couple of things line up and a few gifts over the years that can finally be utilized. So I built the following item for the sheer fun of it. Might be useful at one of our events, time will tell. I suspect it will be a hit with the kids.

A used fan:

Mounted to a cart and setup for PTO operation at appropriate speed:

A round outlet adapter from a wheel I found:

A bit of shielding and sealing of the rectangle to round adapter, hooked on for an initial test run:

A few discharge lights for good measure:

And the giant 20' tall wacky wavy inflatable arm flailing tube man finally has something capable of satisfying his appetite for rushing air, and he remains visible despite any ambient darkness. My camera didn't like his motion combined with the light, he looks much better in person. The power from the lights is also generated from the 'Roid, via the little generator cart I made last year for it, PTO passes through.

Here he is in a daylight run.

Hopefully your 'Roid brings you the joys that mine occasionally does!