Hi Glort, the problem with the world is that there is too much dependence on money. People devote their entire lives to accumulating it, while the government try their best to steal it from them, unless they are a big corporation. A dollar bill has no value unless the people believe that the government and central bank are going to keep their promises. Not much sign of that happening in any part of the western world at present.
I have lived through a lot of recessions, in various countries. The big end of town always survives, with government support. The little guy always gets screwed and the value of the dollar in your pocket dives, unemployment rises and wages fall; all good for the big end of town.
There has to be a better way of doing things so that young men like Tanman get a fair go and don`t get screwed by this wasteful, inefficient, parasitic system.
I am very glad that I am now old and have lived in an era when money had value and politicians did their best for their constituents. Those days are over and I have grave concerns for future generations. The huge debts that this generation are leaving the next generations are a disgrace and will be a lifelong drag on their lives.
Big business will continue to sell, ever increasingly, not fit for purpose equipment to people with ever decreasing understanding of how it works. People with any technical/mechanical ability are becoming increasingly rare. If I had my, time again I would be studying engineering, electronics and water management systems.
Tanman, please keep learning, studying and improving your skills. The world is going to need people like you, it just doesn`t know it yet.