
Author Topic: Lister CS 6/1 as form of rehab  (Read 61087 times)


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Re: Lister CS 6/1 as form of rehab
« Reply #150 on: September 23, 2018, 12:04:14 PM »
Well guys, I found the problem with the new IP cam lobe not being centered under the injector pump lifter. The new Cam lobe is drilled about 40 thou different from the original. (Please see pic) So much for Indian engineering.  >:(

Didn`t leave me with any option but to reuse the original. Annealed the old cam lobe, resurfaced it with a very fine file, followed by varying grades of emery cloth. It`s now about 10 thou smaller than the new one. Hardened it, then tempered it and a file won`t mark it now, so I think it worked out OK. I very much doubt that the loss of 10 thou will have a significant effect on either the injection pump or the oil pump although I wouldn`t recommend trying it on any modern high speed engines.

Machined up a new cast iron bush for the other end of the camshaft because the end float, due to wear, was excessive. (please see pic) I was about to cut the oil retaining groove in the far end of it to prevent oil from flowing into and puddling in the end cover when I had a revelation. The reason for the excessive end float is wear between the end of the bush and the face of the keeper which are deprived of lubrication by that oil retaining groove. So, instead, I have cut the oil slot in the new bush from end to end. (please see pic) This will lubricate the far end of the camshaft and keeper. The problem with this is that the end cover will fill up with oil. The solution is to drill a hole in the crankcase to allow that oil to drain back into the sump. I shall be doing that later this week and will post photos.

I managed to reassemble the camshaft, using the original components, I applied a couple of drops of medium strength Loctite to every cam lobe and taper pin before driving them in tight, I don`t want anything working loose, I don`t like surprises. (Please see pic)

Very disappointed, I turned a new offset spigot for the idler gear, I took a guess at 25 thou offset, no where near enough, I`m thinking 45 thou to get the gears to mesh well. I guess I`ll just have to make another.

Off to the doctors again tomorrow, so will try to post more on Tuesday.



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Re: Lister CS 6/1 as form of rehab
« Reply #151 on: September 23, 2018, 02:35:34 PM »
Hey Glort, I`m worried it will easily outlast me but so might my 7 year old dog. I`ve told Narelle (my wife) to make sure the CS goes to you should if and when I carc it. (hopefully not soon)

On another thread, I posted that I was going to bed and I would read you treatise on WVO tomorrow, I`m still here cos I lied and have no will power, I had to read it tonight. A fine piece of work, I`ll read it again in the morning and try to find fault with it.



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Re: Lister CS 6/1 as form of rehab
« Reply #152 on: September 24, 2018, 10:18:52 AM »
Hey Buddy, very worried to hear you are suffering funny turns after doing fairly mild physical activity. Have you spoken to your Doctor? I had several incidents like that before my heart attack. I don`t want to worry you or add to the stress you already have but please get it checked out. A simple myocardial profusion scan or a stress test could put both our minds at rest.



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Re: Lister CS 6/1 as form of rehab
« Reply #153 on: September 24, 2018, 01:00:25 PM »
Hey Glort, glad to hear the problem isn`t physical. Mental/motivational issues are hard to deal with but a heart attack can kill you in minutes.

I kinda understand your issue with young model types: young, dumb, opinionated in all the wrong ways, lousy company with exaggerated expectations of their own worth, just like my first wife. Now I`m much more interested in intelligent women than pretty ones. Sound like your wife has her head screwed on right.

I guess you feel a bit like a midwife: first birth is something special, after you`ve done 10,000 you just slap it`s arse and stick it on the tit. Hope you can find some motivation to restart the business, gives you a good reason to spend time on the sunshine coast where you are happy. Perhaps you could find a happy medium by working a month and then have a month off or possibly a week on and a month off, whatever works for you.

Happy to help if I can,



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Re: Lister CS 6/1 as form of rehab
« Reply #154 on: September 25, 2018, 12:22:37 AM »

I also wonder a lot if I will be seen as creditable or just another fat gutted, middle age, balding fella using a camera to get close to young women who wouldn't look at them sideways otherwise.

Now I`m really concerned, since when did you start giving a flying f*ck what other people think? Why don`t you just tell them you are gay, then sue them for their homophobic attitudes?

I`m wondering is you can`t merge your love of photography and machinery, always going to be a demand for photos of high end motor vehicles with scantily clad beauties.

I also think there will always be a demand for portraiture.  Any fool with a smart phone can take photos, but it takes real talent to capture someones character in a picture. Digital imaging  also allows easy editing so a portrait can be set against pretty much any background the client asks for. Cartoon characters for the little fellas, Star wars for the teenagers?  The sky and your imagination are the only limits.



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Re: Lister CS 6/1 as form of rehab
« Reply #155 on: September 25, 2018, 10:31:27 AM »
Hey Glort, glad I could help.

I think you already know the answers, you`re no fool. You can make a living out of glamour photography but are worried about being considered some sort of weirdo pervert, so you need to involve your wife or employ a female or gay assistant to act as chaperone, makeup artist and back up if anyone ever suggests some sort of impropriety.

Start there and then follow what ever leads develop. Don`t be afraid of saying yes to something new, also saying NO to anything that you would feel uncomfortable doing. Anything you can`t make your mind up about, check the bank balance then discus with your Wife.

Love the idea of underwater photography, just the sort of niche you need to find. It is possible to get police record checks and permits to work with children for both yourself and any staff you employ, once again always ensure that there is another person to act as chaperone. Just be very careful that the photographs you take are only given to the parents, any originals you keep for back up must be kept secure to ensure the perverts on the internet can never get access, a stand alone server with no internet access is the way to go.

High school drop out eh? I got expelled!  :laugh: Best thing that ever happened to me, until then I was on the path to university, followed by a predictable future in the corporate world. Thankfully, I can honestly say I have had a much more interesting and very satisfying life.



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Re: Lister CS 6/1 as form of rehab
« Reply #156 on: September 25, 2018, 12:43:17 PM »
Well guys, I got a bit more done today on restoring the old girl. The camshaft is now fitted and the IP end cover is in place, very happy with the alignment, all cam followers rotate and the IP roller lifter is centered on the cam lobe. The oil pump also appears to be working and well aligned. (See photo)

I have also turned up a new shaft for the rocker assembly, hardened it and tempered it ready to install. (see photo)

I`ve been trying to find a local machine shop to skim the cylinder head and put a sleeve in the cylinder block. I think I have found a guy to do the work and am hoping he won`t be to expensive. I`d much rather restore what I have than spend anymore money on imported Indian sh1t that never meets expectations and is usually a mile out of tolerance.

I will try to make up another offset spigot for the idler gear this week. 40 thou offset for the next one.



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Re: Lister CS 6/1 as form of rehab
« Reply #157 on: September 26, 2018, 09:50:28 AM »
Hey Glort,  when are you coming? Always good to have a deadline even if I have no chance of meeting it, at least it will give me the motivation to try. Would love for you to be here for first smoke and to take some of the credit and a lot of thanks for all your good advice.



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Re: Lister CS 6/1 as form of rehab
« Reply #158 on: September 26, 2018, 11:44:00 AM »
Hey Buddy, the only things that are going to keep me from meeting You and your Wife are death and doctors appointments. I shall do my best to avoid both.

As for credit, I credit you and all the forum members for giving me the support, enthusiasm, knowledge and strength to see this through.

As for rain, it`s pissing down here thank God. Hoping some of the drought effected farmers are getting some. Give it a week and I`ll have to start cutting the bloody grass again, not an easy task with better than ten acres. Never understood how weeds can grow in pasture so dry the grass dies, how does fireweed survive, it`s roots are only 20mm deep?

Looking forward to more about the root terminator plough, just don`t let it get away from you, I have visions of it going cross country tearing up pipes, fences and the NBN with catastrophic consequences.



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Re: Lister CS 6/1 as form of rehab
« Reply #159 on: September 27, 2018, 09:28:40 AM »
Loving the lazy mans approach to weeding. Got to get me one of those veg oil burners.

In the UK if a tree needed killing we would knock a couple of copper roofing nails into the trunk, worked a treat, took a while but the council never worked it out.

Lawn mowing is done with a 42 inch ride on mower. Takes ages and stops me playing with engines.  :(
Would love a tractor and slasher but they cost money I don`t have and can`t earn.

Can`t wait to see the new improved root ripping plough.



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Re: Lister CS 6/1 as form of rehab
« Reply #160 on: September 27, 2018, 10:52:58 AM »
Well guys, I dropped nearly $600 on parts today. Rob at Old Timer Engines must be a very happy man. Gone as far as I can with what I`ve got. Will be taking the old cylinder block to be sleeved tomorrow. Rob has found me a serviceable original CAV injector pump, it`s off a 3/1 so I have ordered a new larger element. Hope it fits.

So i`m unable to make any further progress on the engine for a week or two. Instead I decided to dismantle the new (non compliant) Chinese ST5 generator head I have. I`m not surprised it`s not compliant, it`s not as bad as it might have been but it`s certainly not pretty inside. I have a pair of new decent sealed Japanese bearings for it, so I pulled the old ones out. Please see photos. What sort of a maniac would fit unsealed bearings in an alternator in this day and age?

The slip rings have furrows in them that I could plant potatoes in, so that will be going to the lathe for a skim and polish. The carbon brush holders are a joke and the alignment with the slip rings is an absolute disgrace.
No wonder China has a reputation for delivering cheap cr*p.


old seagull man

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Re: Lister CS 6/1 as form of rehab
« Reply #161 on: September 27, 2018, 12:28:18 PM »
Bob is that the reasonably priced generator you got from ozlisteroids?
It looks like a fair bit of work to get it to reliable operation.

Is this the same generator as Glort has ? As I have one also in the pipe.


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Re: Lister CS 6/1 as form of rehab
« Reply #162 on: September 27, 2018, 01:01:09 PM »
Hi OSM, yes it is the one I purchased from Ozlisteroids. In fairness to Stephen Hutson ( the proprietor) he told me they were non compliant and would require the slip rings skimming and the bearings replacing. He provided the new bearings and an AVR at no extra cost. I believe that after the recommended modifications it will be a reliable unit. Re aligning the brushes with the slip rings should be a no-brainer for anyone with half decent vision.


old seagull man

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Re: Lister CS 6/1 as form of rehab
« Reply #163 on: September 27, 2018, 02:24:40 PM »
thanks Bob,

i just realized that muck that looks like rust on the bearings and shaft is the legendary, magic yak fat Chinese  grease.

So Some sealed bearings from NSK Timkin or SKF, shold do the job properly.

I have seen new brush blocks on ebay far better than whats in these, so i should be ok.

Thanks Andrew.

will be following your rebuild with much intrest, hoping Stephen can get mine to me before Christmas. Would give me something to do over the break.


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Re: Lister CS 6/1 as form of rehab
« Reply #164 on: September 27, 2018, 02:40:27 PM »
Hi OSM, I`ll try to do some more on it tomorrow and post some more pics, think I can probably make a silk purse out of this particular sows ear. The windings are copper and look to be OK, I`ll check them with a meter in the morning. A little adjustment to the positioning of the carbon brushes should be easy enough. I guess we get what we pay for, I could have spent $1500 on a Stamford clone.
