That picture at the start of the thread is a beauty !
Very nice unit.
(lister envy) 
Hope you are talking about the ST2 not the CS. looked like this when I got it(see photo). The reason it now looks ok is that dieselgman helped me find the parts. Don`t want to go into the cost but it probably explains why he has more than one CS to rebuild this winter. Only joking, prices were very reasonable.
That liner will probably continue to serve if you want it to? As long as there's nothing "lippy" for rings to catch on? You gotta think "600 RPM" not "automotive" IMHO
You could certainly give it a scuff-up and put it back together and try? All that's lost is a couple hours work
Injector etc? Maybe throw the whole injector/linkage shit in a bucket of diesel and while it's soaking have a look on Old Timer Engines to see how cheap all that stuff is and just buy a new pump, lines, linkage & injector -then when you go to start it you will know all that stuff is good and when you get a solid, distinctive "CRINK" from the injector you'll know you are good
Just my $0.02
Thanks Mike, sadly it has a very profound lip. A re-bore to 20 thou might just about eliminate it. Still thinking about having it sleeved. Might be cheaper to import a new cylinder but have my doubts about the Indian Listeroid parts.
Think I`ll take your advice on fuel injection components: dump in a bath of diesel and leave for a long time. Its what I did with the ST2 and it worked a treat. I still had to replace the injector nozzles but everything else cleaned up real nice.
I concur on the fuel injection stuff... both pumps and injectors readily available brand new MICO Bosch and their quality is good. The OEM pump does have a drilled shaft for the excess fuel (overload) pawl... maybe worth recovering an old pump for that feature.
Thanks dieselgman, where I live never drops below freezing so no problems with start up all year round.
Nice rehabilitation project!
These engines all end up looking more or less the same after years of neglect - but I never grow tired watching them come back to life. Keep posting those updates.
Oh my word dieselgman... 10 engines... I feel like I need a break after doing just one

Thanks for the encouragement dieselsmoker. Read all of your posts on your rebuild. A lot of skills and innovations,
So how did the sick old git go today?
I managed to strip everything except the crankshaft and one flywheel. Managed to snap the head off the gib key, still no movement in the key. The crankshaft on this side has a lot of pitting from corrosion. Suspect that water has got into keyway and seized everything solid. Going to weld a length of 1/2 inch threaded bar to the remaining gib key and try to pull it off with a piece of tube 3 inch and 1/2 inch steel plate with a hole in it. Will post photos tomorrow. Could be some swearing if it don`t work. Anyone know how much heat I can safely put into the shaft and flywheel without damaging stuff?
I have a question regarding the profiles on the camshaft. The inlet/exhaust cam lobes are clean and nicely rounded, the cam lobe that drives the oil pump and injector pump has a different profile, looks worn to me(see photo) advice please.
Thanks guys