Hey guys!!!
Haha please didn't intend to make anyone mad with this
That was quite a write-up, will try to read all that rant!
As I told earlier I'm mediating this for a close friend, and he just told me some days ago that the Cooling Tank got sold during the Summer.
The Lister engine model I'm selling, 5-1, is the Tank cooled model, not the Radiator cooled model. The tank is much bigger than the radiator.
It might change things for someone interested, but for others might not.
I'm dealing now with an interested buyer from Kansas, Missouri, which was only interested in the engine + Fuel Tank from the beginning, as to him the cooling tank would take much space and shipping cost would be too expensive.
The value we're dealing is over $2000.
I think I'll open a topic elsewhere asking if someone has any recommendation on a international shipping company, that would pickup in Portugal.
We're we have DHL, TNT and the rest are local companies I think...
Have a great weekend everyone, with, or without, rants