Old post, I know...
In the same boat here, #2 roller is square and beat up since it was not indexed by the adjuster/locknut, it was rotating in the bore. The other roller is ok...
Question on clearance though, I'm getting 10.1 mm ID on both rollers, no seeming wear.
The pins are 9.5mm, or 0.374" on the ends where there is no wear (the part that presses into the follower body). The center of the pin is quite worn...
This gives a clearance of about 0.024", which seems excessive to me. Is this normal?
I would have expected about 3-4 thou clearance, large enough to let oil in there, but not enough to "pound" around there.
Anyone comment, as I will be machining at least one roller. The pins are worn but seem like a standard 3/8 dowel pin
FWIW, here's a pic of said roller