Hi Mike. Im pleased as punch I found the Petter, means I can continue to learn things applicable from everyone on this forum... its very comforting to know that others have knowledge that I dont and are happy to share this with me.
Im an electronics engineer, not a diesel mechanic, so any info I can get and use is really and truly appreciated.
I really did get quite emotional over the little 3.5, we spent alot of time together over the years, I cold always tell when she was happy by the sound she made, and when that sound changed, I would fuss over her like an old woman.
Yes, Ill stick with the car alternator setup, it has many advantages. The main one being I have power from the battery bank 24/7, and I can run the engine when its opportune. And, with a major breakdown like this, power is still available to a limited degree.
Car alternators are cheap from the scrap man, they tend to last only 6 months as in this kind of service as they are not continuosly rated. The constant load too I believe is kind to the engine and electrics in the house being inverter powered have a more stable supply. And, obviously at night, I have full lighting without the thump thump of the engine... the sound carries further in the dark, and no need to go out in the cold to switch it off at bedtime.
This is the best system that works for me at least. Obviously its a little more complex needing battery banks and inverters, but I like having redundancy when these failures occur, and they always will despite our best efforts.