"Consumer Price Index is utter bollox whose sole purpose is to persuade you your money still goes a long way...."
i am with you on this one, they are telling have truths at best, spinnning the shit out of the rest, that is where we need to put things to the test....( hahaha a rhyme)
for instance in 1971:
gas sold for 24.9 cents everyday, what is it now? 3 bucks! a 1200% increase
a typical house here sold for 30K, same house today 500K! approx 1600% increase
medical i would bet is at least in the neighborhood of increase 1000%
education, has increased every bit of 1000% and in some case much more
food has increased not as much but still in the neighborhood of 500%
i could buy a good serviceable used car, for a few hundred bucks, same criteria today think a few thousand, hmmm 500% increase conservatively
on the other hand sure washers and dryers, tv's and refrigerators have remained pretty stable, oweing to china mainly.
clothing, shoes and other consumable stuff has been stable, and in some cases lower in price.
air travel has certainly come down in price, due largely to competition
finance charges are less today, due to competition.
so if you want to spin things in the direction of "aren't things lovely" which would you report on?
things we want have remained stable, things we need have gone crazy.
bob g