Last Friday, I was up at sparrowfart for the long (200 miles - I know that's peanuts to you Americans, but on our roads... that's a trek) drive down to Bath to go pick up my new toy. 4 hours down, 3 hours to pull it out of the boat it lived in & onto my transport, and 6 hours back (Friday night traffic...), another hour to offload, and here she is, nailed to a selection of railway sleepers, almost ready for a first run:
Lister JP4 by
AdeV, on Flickr
Yup, I finally have me a Lister JP4, aka 38/4. 38 horsepower, feel the width...
Lister JP4 by
AdeV, on Flickr
Lister JP4 by
AdeV, on Flickr
Lister JP4 by
AdeV, on Flickr
The engine was originally fitted to a Dutch barge. In this shot, we can see the genuine, original, Dutch diesel catch tank (for the injector overspill)...
Lister JP4 by
AdeV, on Flickr
The spec plate, showing this to be a 1940 engine.
Lister JP4 by
AdeV, on Flickr
Interestingly, it's been retrofitted with a 1963 JK flywheel - presumably to add the ring gear & electric starter motor. Originally, it must have been a hand-crank start, quite a task on such a big engine.
Lister JP4 by
AdeV, on Flickr
The upside-down flywheel serial number reads 213JK4MP13 - it looks like the MP has been added in the wrong place (MP=Marine Propulsion), and should have been after the 13 (which, we assume, means 1963).
That's it on the photos for now; but, with a bit of a jerry-rigged fuel line, a couple of fresh batteries & a battery booster, I got her fired up
Lots of smoke and noise, and she won't run on all four at low RPM, I suspect the fuel lines still need a little bleeding. Next job is to fit a radiator & associated pipework - and probably a waterpump as I don't have the enormous thermosiphoning radiator that this engine would normally sport - so I can run her for more than a brief period. Oh, and a more powerful governer spring than the lash up I added, which sets the "tickover" at about 100rpm I think...
Still - all in all, I am chuffed. This engine will easily run my entire workshop, and when I move out into the Portuguese sticks, it'll be my only access to 3-phase power.