Author Topic: An ODD warning for DIYs---  (Read 4478 times)


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An ODD warning for DIYs---
« on: December 11, 2005, 07:00:05 PM »
 It takes all kinds of knowledge to be a 'complete' DIYer.....or idiot.  Here's one you may not thought about before....

Last week I was building shelves and benches inside while the snow fell outside.  To save the floor from being wet and muddy I took off my shoes when coming inside and was working sock-footed most of the day.  When it came time to soak in the hotsprings my socks were STUCK to my feet!!! :o

  GORILLA GLUE sticks to skin in a BIG way.  I ended up "skinning" both feet free of socks and pulling some substantial callouses loose in the process.  Acetone WILL eventually loosen the glue,  but acetone running into fresh meat is HOT stuff!!   :P
7200 hrs on 6-1/5Kw, FuKing Listeroid,
Currently running PS-Kit 6-1/5Kw...and some MPs and Chanfas and diesel snowplows and trucks and stuff.


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Re: An ODD warning for DIYs---
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2005, 03:56:20 PM »
Jack, along those lines, Will Rogers once said, "It don't take all kinds, but we get 'em."



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Re: An ODD warning for DIYs---
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2005, 05:45:59 PM »
Actually, Jack, that reminds me of when I was on my Chili-Can't-Ever-Be-Too-Hot kick.  Was making a mess of chili and diced up a bunch of Jalapenos, then had to pee.  Well, I learned why it's just as important (though for a different reason) to wash your hands BEFORE as well as after you use the Juan!   :o

« Last Edit: December 17, 2005, 08:57:09 PM by quinnf »