Gotta laugh at some of the comments. Some people don't realize that if it works food some and not others, those it didn't work for, didn't do it right.
I am living off grid and dry in Alaska now. Sure wish I could make power from cold LOL. A 12 volt gasoline generator works best for me at the present. I get 8 hrs/gallon so power only costs about $50 to $75 a month for power. Power here is double every place else. My neighbor has a fan and tv and it costs him $150 a month. I have over 7000 hours on the engine does not burn oil yet. Air cool mower engines are normally good fo a rebuild after 1000
Refrigeration is great. Just cut a hole in the wall into the refrigerator.
I have a 12 volt DC desktop computer and monitor, not an inverter.
I also have an indoor outhouse that doesn't smell in a 12 x 16 cabin.
Oh yes, I only burned 1 1/2 cords of firewood last winter. My neighbors normally burn 10 to 15 cords.
Well, that is about it.