What a bunch of nut jobs! The hair dresser, the museum clerk, etc, just look at he engineering back ground these candidates possess, yes they are going to do a great job navigating the space craft, fixing all the equipment on way and while on the surface of mars, building structures, yes they all have really good skill bases for a space mission. About the only worthy one there is the bee keeper dude and his listeroid (about 7 minutes into the video), perhaps he could be trained for a useful purpose. I see these nut jobs every day in Boca Raton, Wellington, and Jupiter Florida (affluent - wealthy areas). I wonder who helped you tie your shoe laces this morning as they order their Starbucks soy coffee latte natural brown natural sugar only and on and on with the criteria. Morons - but now that I think about, it might not be a bad idea to convince millions of them to take a one way trip to Mars, this way they can't contaminate the gene pool further on earth by reproducing.