
Author Topic: Interesting Site/Changzuki Motorcycle  (Read 9102 times)


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Interesting Site/Changzuki Motorcycle
« on: December 23, 2005, 06:11:42 AM »
I just ran across this site while I was doing some searching for diesel motorcycles:


It appears the guy converted a Suzuki motorcycle to run on a Changfa diesel, andthat he sells a CD showing how he did it. 
Sounds like one of those projects George is working on.   ;)

Anyway, there are some great videos of a 6/1 'roid running, with excellent audio.  Those of you who haven't heard a Listeroid run can get a good idea of what a 'roid sounds like.  Kind of like a big sewing machine.

« Last Edit: December 23, 2005, 06:27:15 AM by quinnf »


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Re: Interesting Site/Changzuki Motorcycle
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2005, 06:53:59 AM »
  Kind of like a big sewing machine.


 ;D ;D

That is a pretty good site.


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Re: Interesting Site/Changzuki Motorcycle
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2005, 02:06:03 PM »
George has a link to the motorcycle.  I get a feeling the water pipe frame extension *could* lead to sudden road rash and sparks.   :o
7200 hrs on 6-1/5Kw, FuKing Listeroid,
Currently running PS-Kit 6-1/5Kw...and some MPs and Chanfas and diesel snowplows and trucks and stuff.


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Re: Interesting Site/Changzuki Motorcycle
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2005, 03:17:44 PM »
Yeah, I saw that and was thinking you probably won't see him on the cool end of a welding gun next time you flick across American Chopper on the Discovery Channel!  However you gotta admire anyone these days who has the vision and isn't afraid to tackle a difficult and novel bit of wrenching!


pithy quote:
"Your attempt to hold us at bay with a non-functional phaser
was an act of unmitigated gall . . . I admire gall!"
- Worf


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Re: Interesting Site/Changzuki Motorcycle
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2005, 03:29:39 PM »
Hey, I just saw this.  http://zena.net/htdocs/welders/BPW.shtml#Top

How totallyl cool!  I've always wanted to take my welder on a camping trip.
Now, I wonder if you could lose the smelly 2-stroke gas engine and bolt it to a 3.5 Petteroid!    ;D

Hmmm . . . the webpage says "mounted on welded aluminum backpack frame w/20ft. welding/control cables..."  Wow, that guy's arms must be a lot longer than it looks in the picture!

« Last Edit: December 23, 2005, 04:20:32 PM by quinnf »


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Re: Interesting Site/Changzuki Motorcycle
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2005, 06:08:49 AM »
I was at the auto parts store buying bits and pieces to fabricate the electric start for my Listeroid.
"What's it for?" the counter monkey asked. "It's for my generator" I replied, "I'm adding a starter".
You've all seen that blank look. "I make things" I explained ......still that blank stare "You know, like Monster Garage; I make things". Then you get a dim glow of recognition, but best of all; some CO-OPERATION  ;D.
Scott E
Ashwamegh 25/2 & ST12
Lister SR2 10Kw 'Long Edurance' genset on a 10 gallon sump/skid,
Onan 6.5NH in an old Jeager Compressor trailer and a few CCK's


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Re: Interesting Site/Changzuki Motorcycle
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2005, 07:11:36 AM »
Yeah, I know what you mean.  I was that counter-monkey for a while back in my wasted youth. 

Once you know who the mechanics are, you know they know what they want.  Then there's the guy who's looking for a plug to fit the little hole beneath the shaft of his Ford 302 water pump, you know, the one that's leaking coolant.  The guy's dead certain that the plug fell out and he thinks you're scamming him when you try to explain that's a relief hole to let coolant escape when the pump seal wears out.  Sold a heck of a lot of water pumps for Ford 289s and 302s because they hung 3 or 4 pulleys and the fan off that water pump!

Then there's the guy who  wants to do something different.  Like doing something with an antique engine or a diesel or a generator, or all three!  After selling spark plugs and water pumps and transmission modulators and thermostats and radiator hoses and v-belts and brake shoes and mebbe a radiator, when something like that comes your way, you get to use your brain and whatever knowledge you've accumulated looking through parts catalogs.
