Hey Glort, I had a mate years ago, who managed a glass bottle plant that supplied bottles for just about everything. He told me that most of these companies charge more for the bottles than the do for the contents, so I`m not at all surprised at the quality of some plastic containers, dumping them in landfill should be against the law. Every time I go to the supermarket I get $100 dollars of groceries in $50 dollars of packaging that I then have to pay the local council to take away and recycle/bury.
The recent embargo on China importing our waste products is going to leave a mountain of useful containers that no one wants, The idea of recycling these as storage for recycled fuel is a no brainer, no doubt some jobs worth will try to outlaw it on the grounds that it is a health hazard or a danger to the environment.
Looking forward to the revolution/collapse of global economy, then we can string up all of these over paid useless buggers and get on with life.