I've been getting weaker rather rapidly as I age (I'm 49)(some health issues) . I'm not exactly able to crank over my 20HP twin with enough speed to get it to start lately. But, feeling good today, I thought I'd give it a try. Two hands on the handle, crank it as fast as I can (not enuf) and release the compression. It stops and kicks back, with enough force to get it to rotate backwards with lots of speed. The engine then starts on one cylinder and belches the nastiest smoke you have ever seen, out of the air filter!!! It comes up to speed and the generator comes on line!
Handle still attached to the crank, firmly, as the drive pawl is fully engaged in the direction of operation. I'm smart enough to get away from this. So, I sit there and watch it run for a bit. Sounds nasty, smells nasty. I'm sure my neighbors love me now, with huge clouds of acrid black smoke going up.
Finally, I take stock of the situation (fuel rack was full open) and go around the other side. Reach over and shut off the fuel lever. It comes to a halt.
Now, I was under the mistaken impression that 4 stroke diesels could not operate backwards, as the series of intake-compression-combustion-exhaust must be in that order. But, it seems that I now have a Bi-Directional Listeroid.
Guess I'm getting an electric starter. I can no longer start this thing!
I'll check the injection timing and probably degree the camshaft again. Along with a careful inspection the internals for a broken timing gearset or something. I suspect nothing is wrong and I'm just weak.