Somehow Im not surprised that of all the info in this thread that was the one you found worth repeating.
Whatca wanna know about listeroids, vegetable oil as fuel/lube, making horsepower, Diesels in general or just cool ideas and machines?
Ill give you my virginal opinion that Ive gathered from my 17 year intrenchment in the industry.
Peace&Love , Darren
Darren, if you've been 17 years in the industry you should have learned by now that different engines have different characters, and 17 years of learning the different characters of different engines doesn't tell you much about an engine you've never seen touched heard or smelt, worse still, you're going to have your first experience on a clone.
17 years is enough time to have learned that it has all been done before, and usually better too.
like my old man used to say about motorcycles, lube oils got magically better, pneumatic tyres got magically better, nothing else was new in 70 years.
since he died there is nothing else new really, electronics instead of electrcics is still just a cheap way to do something with less elegance and reliability, and ceramic pistons and engines are going to come on line about the same time as flying cars and commercial fusion, "in 20 years", that would be a rolling 20 years.
I got more engineering history than you, and you know what I know about a cummins? bugger all, because I've never touched one. Touched damn near everything else, including detroits 71 series 92 series etc (and hate them as it happens) but never a cummins.
read about them, heard them going past in peterbilts, talked to people about em, but until I own and work on one and live with one I don't know dick.