-WHEN- dino fuel and lube runs out, pray we don't need replacements like veg based, because if we do we are still using the same tech, and if we are doing that then anarchy will rule, significant proportions of the population will die, and countries will cease to be.
We simply do not have the arable land on the planet to grow enough veg to replace dino at todays levels, not unless you wanna starve, which will be just as well because the more intensive you make agriculture the more energy inefficient it becomes.
I don't think anyone can do basic math any more, or understand simple english words like "finite"
I know for a fact everyone has a "me" centric world view, if you are a homeowner who works in an office and drives 40 miles to work you think that you and people like you account for "most" of the oil / energy consumed, not even close.
Run the numbers
USA uses in excess of 20 million barrels a day, barrel is 42 gallons, 840 million gallons a day, current USA population is 298 million, so that's near 3 gallons a day, except lots of those people don't drive, like babies etc, less than 1 in 10 drive, which is why there are 20 million vehicles registered in the USA, so that's 30 galls a day, every day, 7 days a week
Americans are not putting 210 gallons, or a ton of fuel, into each and every vehicle they own, every single week, an independent trucker would do it, just maybe
If you, as an individual, absolutely NEED say 25 gallons a week to do your essentail journeys, then you'll bitch all the way to the ten dollar gallon, but you will pay it, because you have no choice.
The cost is spread evenly across the population, because everyone can fill up, if you splash the cash.
You might not be avle to afford 25 gallons a week at 10 bucks a gallon, but 25 gallons are available.
Now you can still have global production as high as today and fifty years before the oil runs out, but india and china etc come more on stream and global demand goes up 10%
the sun goes down, and rises the next morning, doesn't matter what the exact date is, it is coming
Now your limit per week is 22.5 gallons, same for everyone else, theoretically it is still ten bucks a gallon, and there are still fifty years worth left in the ground.
For every person that wants "his" 25 gallons, someone else is going to have to drop from his 25 gallons to 20.
Cars under 180 cubic inches will be worth ten times as much overnight, 500 cube monsters will be worth maybe a buck a cube
By the end of that week nobody will be in any doubt that the glory days are gone and they are never coming back, and the only way to secure a gas supply is outbid everyone else on the planet. The ten dollar gallon will be history, it'll be 20 bucks.
A week later and you will have fuel rationing and mandated car sharing, because you have a certain minimum fuel usage required for all the trucks and industry and agriculture, black market gas will be 50 bucks a gallon.
Six months later and fuel rationing will have bitten hard, non essential ( and that means YOU sucker) users get allocated 1.5 gallons per week, which is worth a round 200 bucks on the black market
think this is fantasy?
80% of americans don't even have passports, as gore vidal says when he goes abroad, his fellow countrymen are not stupid, far from it, they are just ignorant (please look up the dictionary definition) of the rest of the world.
I am typing this in a country where this has already happened, every country around me, this has already happened.
it was called world war two, and it wasn't just about audie murphy and p51 mustangs and pearl harbour and lend lease, that was the propoganda newsreels and hollywood.
down at the sharp end it meant even the armies who could and did shoot anything and everything with impunity was desperately short of gasoline and diesel and lubricants, desperately desperately short, the rest of the countries who were not on the front lines had to get by on almost fuck all.
WW2 might have been an artificial shortage, but it was a shortage, and peak oil was still 50 years away in the future, nobody had even thought about it, but it is impossible to have another shortage without the same things happening.
A lister will give you power for 5 tons of fuel a year, so find a nice isolated island and hole up there with a lister and another for spares and 50 tons of fuel, and make sure nobody with guns finds you.
USAF and USN and the jarheads may be able to sieze and protect and utilise a fair amount of the worlds reserves over the next decade or so, but they ain't gonna ship it home so you can drive your hummer, they will keep it and use it for themselves, they will have to to keep going themselves.
Mr Belk got it sussed, 1000 bucks says he has range markers set down the valley, and he is living in a hard a desolate place that has only ever sustained a low population, if he stocks up on brass and powder and diesel he can trade enough to live well for a long time when everyone else is back on a palomino
We can avoid this, just start building nuke plants like there was no tomorrow, and screw toxic waste, zoning, and even worker safety and the odd chernobyl, it's better than the alternative, there is enough U235 in australia (if uncle sam invades and siezes those resources too) to build fast breeders and keep the world going until fusion comes online
africa, forget it, not a place to be except in a military industrial compound extracting natural resources, lots of asia the same, england will be glad of being an island again, ones to watch a china and japan and india and maybe brasil
Mr Belk, if you get spare time start playing with packet radio