Deeiche, I know the feeling. When I worked at an AF simulator/training research lab, we generated a lot of tech reports we were pretty sure no one ever read.
As a gag (I was still in college), I developed a program that would generate technical gobblydegook of any number of paragraphs, given a structured list of topically appropriate keywords and phrases. I wrote a brief intro, then turned it loose for about 30 pages of techno-baloney filler. I did cherry pick some of the best paragraphs of nonsense for the first page, but not one sentence actually said or meant anything real, though the grammar and spelling was perfect. Alas, the paper made the rounds, got reviewed and approved by a dozen senior staff scientists, and sent off to our headquarters for publishing before my horrified boss could stop it!
The Sandia Labs report on lead acid battery charge efficiency is very important, as before I read it I was also snookered into believing the often stated 85% charge efficiency of wet lead acid batteries.
We've all been waiting for the often touted breakthrough in batteries- yet 100 years later, we are still using the same old crap for bulk storage! Everyone thinks all technology is like semiconductors, with a regular schedule of faster, better, cheaper. If only it were so.