I have adopted an FR4, radiator cooled, supplied with a dry sump set-up and a clutch. It was used to power a grain drier at a Surrey farm.
It's sitting in my workshop at home and it is seized solid.
I have drained all oil, water and stale diesel. I have removed the dry sump, clutch, radiator, cylinder heads, fuel pumps and have poured diesel on top of the seized pistons. I have read about various other liquids being used to release rusty pistons including coke (the soft drink) vinegar and hot or cold water. I may have to remove the flywheel, sump and crank and attack the problem from underneath by brute force if necessary including a sledgehammer and a block of timber.
Once out I guess there could be considerable damage to the pistons and the liners. I have been advised that honing (to remove the rust) is never a viable option but would value a second opinion.
My aim here is to save a this piece of English heritage from the scrapyard. I have taken on a huge responsibility and so long as cost don't soar I want to get it running again. Any helpful advice would be great.
I will keep you up to date with my progress.
Reg Burn