dr.death,,, glad you are making progress. it seems that this is a common problem with couples in their 50--60 years......I never understood what was happening when you would hear about a perfect couple that went their seperate ways after so many years together..10 years ago I woke up one morning and found out I was the biggest s.o.b in the world and my wife wanted me gone,,we had never had a serious argument in 30 years,,,after months of counsling therapy etc I found out....why are you here...every thing seemed normal....you do not have the problem...it seemed the dr, had given my wife a double douse of depaveria?///it made her crazy and when i question the dr, the idiot gave her another one. they were long lasting.3 months for each....it took several years for everything to get back to normal////////now everthing is almost back to normal but the pain is still deep inside/// just got back suday night after 11 days in Berlin and my wife cried for almost an hour because she was so glad I was back. so there is a future,,///dr.death I will see you in portland in 6-7 weeks////you have my #///sid