Although not using WMO myself, I can understand why it is popular.
I have a suggestion that might be worth consideration for persons using WMO, as follows:
The burning question is how using WMO or blends of WMO increases engine wear, therefore so a comparison can be made to a reference fuel such as diesel oil, I suggest running a twin cylinder Listeriod with one cylinder burning normal diesel oil and the other burning WMO.
Due to the design of these engines having individual injector pumps this would be an easy modification. Further segregation could be extended to the cooling system to investigate how coolant temperature effects cylinder bore wear.
After a set number of running hours a top end inspection could be carried out for comparison of wear rates on critical components between the two cylinders.
One final point, I read alot about filtration, but is anyone using permanent magnets to remove any ferrous contamination from the WMO?