Yes Stan, nobody is saying that the climate of the world does not change... only a fool would say that. Romans use to grow grapes and make wine in the UK. not today you cant grow grapes there.
But, to say that its us humans who are causeing all the problems and to fix it we have to do Carbon trading, and send Billions to Chinna to help it grow is BS.
BTW the true temparature numbers show the earth getting cooler over the past 10 years, happens to parallel the lack of sun spots at the same time... thats not man made.
And the flooding, well that is part of the whole El Ninio thing, which is natural ... its why Ottawa might have a warmer winter this year, like in 1998... oh wait that gave us the ice storm and 3 weeks without hydro,, better crank up the Roid !!! We are going to have company lol