Lister Engines > Lister Based Generators

External regulator V Governor as regulator

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Hi all this is a great forum. I am an engine guy not an electric guy so this may be a dumb question. When a ST gen head hits 60 cycles and an extra a load is applied to the lister the governor try’s to compensate so you get a flux in the 60 cycles because the governor is a little primitive in response it can take a short time to compensate. Now I read Rocketboys mechanical fix and that would seem to work well but does some one make an exturnal regulater that would regulate, say 62 cycles down to 60 so I get no change at all. So I set the Lister to produce 62 cycles and the regulator keeps it at a constant 60 so when extra load is applied no change. I like the fact that the ST head does not have an internal regulator as it could go bad and then you are off line until you fix the head. With an external regulator if it failed you just disconnect it and you still have power using the governor to regulate. Buy the way I got my Lister from Joel and George @ Power Solutions Nice guys all the way around and George answered all my questions even the dumb ones. Thanks George and Joel

Greg.  ???

i dont think your cycles changing  from 60 to 62 or down to 58 are going to be that critical. you will also find voltage swinging around alot. i have run generators that were even less precise than the lister with st head and had no problems. maybe the tv scrounges a little when the pump comes on or lights flicker. i would be interested in what some of the other guys have noticed if anything more. the most critical thing in my mind when running a genset is make sure its up to speed when you switch to it and up to speed when you switch from it, and up to speed all times during.. running out of fuel and it coming down while say your water pump is on is pretty hard on that sort of thing.


I agree with my esteemed colleague that it's probably not really necessary to have the frequency spot-on.  However, if you want to, you could run a DC generator and an inverter which will give you better regulation on the output.  Overall efficiency will be less, but if you have some sort of critical load that can't handle the usual excursions of voltage and frequency that are common to locally generated power, that might work for you.

There is no simple way to regulate freq's. Only voltage.

BTW, Rocketboys engine really does maintain frequency quite well. I may try to expand on the improvements he made by adding an actuator to keep the engine rock steady at 60HZ. Could be done easily with a PIC and small linear actuator.


My thinking is I can get waste motor oil for free and I want to see how the Indian Lister will do on the 24/7 program. With normal oiling and such. I was considering importing a container or 2 and if it holds up I could see my self-doing it. As such why not sell back some of the power to the grid I was under the impression I need to be at a steady 60 cycles to do that. I am still checking into it but that was why the 60 cycle question.



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