not wanting to argue a point i am unsure of, i need to dig back into the text again
iirc from a few days ago my reference's state that the resistance of the alternator, wiring (along with all interconnects, breakers,
twiston's etc) and the resistance of the load (reference was to motor loads and maybe different for others?) all must be include in
figuring losses. i gotta confirm that for sure.
i don't know if it is worth fighting over or not, striving to capture but
i do know i can measure the difference in fuel consumption a 50watt difference in load fairly easily in fuel consumption.
i think the only way i will ever have a difinitive answer is to do some actual fuel consumption tests with a fixed load at X pf
, then correct to unity and retest again to see what the results might actually amount to, and whether of not the difference's are
significant enough to go after?
going back to the OP i would toss this out
at 2.6 kwatt load (whatever the powerfactor) and at low speed
the fuel consumption in grams/kwatt/hr will be higher than if
the engine was allowed to run at 1800 rpm and produce~7kwatt
in all my tests the 195 changfa driving an st head just can't compete favorably at this low a loading
with a 6/1 according to my results.
now a 195 driving a specially prepared 110-555 into a 24volt nom battery bank can compete very well with a 6/1
at ~2.9kwatt output (being dc pf is not an issue) at lower engine rpm.
so i guess it really depends on what the end use or goal is for this 195 low speed project?
(i gotta go back and reread to find out what the original plan was)

bob g