to my canadian friends up north:
i was not suggesting that you all are beholding to the crown and must bow to the queens every whim, but
my reference was more of one of "culture" that accurate or fact.
certainly you cannot argue that there is a cultural component.
i can tell you as an american, we got so many cultures going on down here it not even funny.
heck in boston there are 5 distinct dialects of the english language, and none of them sound english to me.
in north seattle (fremont) they have a statue of either stalin or lenin (i think it is lenin) in there town square
try to erect that same statue in texas and be hung before dark!
heres the thing, its always been and always will be, "follow the money" on both sides of any arguement
i figure the best funded are usually the one pounding smoke up my tailpipe.
also whatever i am being told should make sense, and not be twisted and convoluted into some sort of babble
that is intentionally worded that way to obfuscate and confuse.
so what do we do?
there are those of us that don't believe man has a significant role in generating global warming, and
there are those that believe man is the sole reason for global warming, or plays a significant role.
everyone by now knows which side of the fence i am on, so...
what if i jump to your side of the fence, man did it, man caused global warming and we are all going to heat up,
drown if we live close to the ocean, dry up and become a tater chip if we live on the plains and all that.
the sky is falling and we simply must do X immediately to save the planet!!!
now, tell me please,,,
what they hell can be done? and
how the hell do you plan on getting all the worlds people on board in agreement to do what is needed?
especially when there are so many divergent cultures?
for god sakes we can't even agree that there is a man made problem and we are divided by one boarder, speak the same language
and generally are friendly to one another.
how do you plan on getting this across to folks half way around the world that might not like either of us very much to start with?
how do you tell an emmerging economy "ok fella's you got to quit burning coal, go back to donkeys, mules, camels or ricshaws"
you got to take down those poluting smokestack factories that are employing millions of your workers, you people will have to go back to
the farms and work for 10 dollars a year instead of 30 dollars a month"
i just think it is nieve to think man can control much of anything.
the church tried to force the issue on a global scale to mixed results
the nazi's tried their hand at it too, and failed
the communists tried to, and eventually collapsed
you just can't get everyone together on anything
how are we to agree how to fix a problem when we can't agree that there is a problem
(manmade that is)
bob g