It's easy to get confuzzled by either side of the Anthropogenic Global Warming argument. Both sides have some very brainy scientists; both sides have a very significant of "junk" scienctists. It's also very easy to take a firm stance on one side of the fence or the other. It's also true that there's big bucks on both sides - the Petrochemical & coal industries on one side (funding some scientists & groups); governments typically on the other (funding some scientists & groups).
e.g. Q: Hansen - where does he get the bulk of his money? A: The US Government via various environmental research funds.
However, I'd like to throw a few petrol-soaked tidbits on the fire.... Â
1) Global Warming became Climate Change around the turn of the century, when actual global warming seemed to halt - or, at least, grow significantly less severe. The actual change in warming/cooling varies depending on whether you start at the peak year (1999 IIRC), or not.
2) Technically, we're still in an ice age: The previous ice age won't be over until the polar ice caps have permanantly melted. Permanantly, that is, until we head into the next ice age. And yes, there will be one, despite anything humankind might do.
3) The number of surface temperature stations, particularly in the contentintal US, is falling rapidly. The quality of many of those remaining stations is in doubt. See Steve McIntyre's excellent blog for some seriously detailed analysis (not to mention regular attempts to analyse Hansen's latest weaving).
4) The "hockey stick" graph, showing catastrophic anthropogenic global warming, is largely based on "dendroclimateology", or the divining of world temperatures from tree ring widths. Specifically, a bunch of Bristlecone trees somewhere in California.
5) CO2 concentrations have increased - relatively linearly - since the industrial revolution really got going in the 1800s. World temperature has not even remotely kept pace with the increase of concentration - either on a linear or logarithmic relationship.
6) Most "classic" greenhouse calculations assume an infinitely thick atmosphere. Which isn't quite how it is...
7) There is precisely zero evidence to suggest a recent increase in hurricane activity, either as a result of CAGW or not. There's no truly reliable data to go on prior to the 1970s (and the advent of satellite monitoring), however, someone recently did an analysis of ship's logs going waay back, which showed that weather isn't becoming systematically more variable with increased temperatures.
Oh, hell, I could go on. But I won't. Instead, I'd advocate 2 websites: - run by catastrophic anthropogenic global warmists; who are largely funded by the US taxpayer (and the EU and UK taxpayers, to a lesser extent); most of the research being to find further global warming signals in amongst the masses & masses of noise. - run by a lone statistician who's out to debunk "junk science" (he says) in the climate "science" field.
Oh, and one final parting shot: Remember, you can build a computer model to model anything you like. And if reality doesn't behave itself? Why, you just fiddle with the rules in your model until it matches reality again; claim your model is now "better", and use it to predict doom, gloom, death, destruction and any number of nice fat new research grants....