
Author Topic: Lister type A 3.5HP  (Read 4303 times)


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Lister type A 3.5HP
« on: October 29, 2008, 01:37:31 AM »
Hi all im new to this so here goes. I just bought a lister A 3.5HP from ebay said to be a god runner but when i got it home i found that the tappets wasn't even set and i don't think its even sparking at the right time. Dose any one know what the tappets's should be or were i could find some sort of manual to download.
On its plate is Serial No. 265341 Spec No. A30H HP 3.5 RPM 650 Also can i find out the age with them numbers?



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Re: Lister type A 3.5HP
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2008, 06:32:10 AM »
You can date the engine by the tables on either of our main websites.

Tappets are 1/32" cold, then run until the engine is warm and reset to 0.012"

Magneto timing is with the zigzag mark on the flywheel rim at TDC, the points should be just opening. The sprocket on the magneto is on a taper for adjustment, but if you haven't had it off the shaft then it should just be a matter of getting the timing right and fitting the chain.
