But many of us have had leaky head gaskets because the cylinder liners stick up too high above the cylinder block deck.
Maybe your liner sticks up too high. If you machine the top of the liner flange down enough to limit protrusion to about .005", that would get you closer, and the fire ring will seal, yet water should not weep out.
If you mill down the top deck of the cylinder block, you will need to re-machine the recess for the liner flange, so if you go that route, measure the liner flange before cutting the recess, to set the liner protrusion. Then you won't need to machine the top of the liner.
If the top of the liner is fine with the top of the cylinder block, perhaps it would be easier to mill off the bottom of the cylinder block?
Also; the engine will run fine if the compression is a little low, but it may be harder to start. The engine is so easy to work on, and the head is particularly easy to remove, that you might consider giving it a try and see how it runs for you?
Scott E