Wow, that really sucks...
Reminds me of a tranny shop in Richardson Texas that my friend took his cutlass to back when we were in high school.
The cars tranny had been through some hell I think and occasionally it would make this awful grinding sound, then a thunk then quiet for a while. I drove to the place with him (so I could drive him home) and the guy said to check back in a couple of days. This was back when cell phones were the size of bricks and cost thousands of $$.
Come back in a couple of days and he said it's fixed! so my buddy went to pay him and then he drove home with me following. When he got home he told me, it's still making noise! so we drove back over and I sat in the back while we had the service manager sit in the passenger seat so we should show him. We drove along for a bit and all was well and he said "sounds great to me" then a little while later we started to hear the slight grinding whirring noise, "Ah, that's the noise!" he said "Ah yes, thats the sound the planetary gears make when they go around the sun gear thats quite normal" Now I didn't know enough to call bullship on that but eventually kerbang then quiet again so I pipe up "and that's normal too is it? what's that the sun doing a big bang?" he looked at my buddy and said "Leave it with us". The next time we picked the car up it was quiet and he never had any more trouble with the tranny for as long as he owned it.
Sounds like the same place to me! haha
Good luck