diesel has been more expensive (here in the seattle tacoma) area than regular unleaded for the last few years
and i have no clue as to why either.
it is well over 4 bucks a gallon, last i looked it was around 4.50 per gallon, but could be nearer 5 bucks a gallon now.
my business partner and i have an ongoing joke
when gas was 2.50 a gallon people screamed,, then it went to 3 dollars and folks really screamed
then it dropped to 2.75 and everyone let out a collective sigh of relief "ahhhh we are finally back to normal" ??
then it went to 3.50 and everyone screamed,, then fell to 3.25 and everyone sighed again, "ahhh back to normal" ""
i guess when it hit 5 dollars and then settles back to 4.75 then folks can sigh again " back to normal"
god folks have a short memory!!
if it hit 5 bucks a gallon, i don't think we will ever see 4 dollar gasoline at its low ever again.
conservation is no longer going to be the in thing,, but a mandatory fact of life that some folks are going to have
a horrible time getting their mind wrapped around.
i wonder how long before we see folks spec'ing out <1000 sq/ft homes?
we seemed to get by with a thousand sq/ft back in the 50's and did so with 2 adults and 3 kids living quite comfortably
we got by with one car in the driveway, and most of those were the ford/chevy/dodges of the basemodel persuasion for the most part.
weren't we happier then?
bob g