Lister Engines > Lister Based Generators
Just got my ST head for the new project...
Thanks, I don't realy have a lot of illusions about ordering direct but I know enough about electrical equipment to tell good from cheap.You know it realy is a let down to know what you want and have no easy way to get it.
Since you've seen them being built can you tell me are they winding these things by hand as was done in the old days here?
Does it look like much care and attention is going into dippping and baking?
Discribe what you've seen that would answere a lot of questions.
The windings are wound by an automated process, then placed on a rotating rack that dips them into a vat for x time. I do not have the time they are in the vat, nor how log they are left to dry. Be an easy matter to dip them yourself if it is a concern. The Rotor insualtion rating is class B, and the Stator insualtion is class E typically. If left unused for long periods of time it is common for them not to generate when fired up again. But I guess you know the battery trick to bring them back to life.
It is not big problem as most people have the good sense to run a genset once a week or once a fortnight under a small load to keep it in order.
I have never seen any failures that could have not been attributed to the generator, all were 'user error'. Abused, over loaded and the odd one soaking wet or dipped in cement. Contractors are a tad rough on most things.
Yes I know all about abuse and failure.....
I began my career in the electrical buisness as a motor rewinder.
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