Over the last couple of months, I have been following this subject with interest. Myself, I've gone the two tank wvo route. Others may elect to use bio-diesel, a blended fuel, woodgas, or diesel. What has impressed me about this forum overall, is the diversity of backgrounds of the members, and the solutions they bring to the table. This diversity has in many discussions, giving me a variety of points of view, which I otherwise might not have considered. This is how forums work at their best. With few exceptions, I have found the members to be mostly open to listen to others ideas and practices, as long as their not based on BS. What I have gotten and value most, are the lessons learned through experience. I believe, none of us has a complete handle on every aspect of this or any other subject. Just my opinion. The bottom line is we can generally learn something from each other. Now back to the subject at hand. Regarding wvo, I don't know of anyone who would use it without first doing something to bring it viscosity down near diesel, either by blending or heating. And the consensus seems to be, don't introduce straight wvo to an engine, unless the engine has been warmed up. I believe the use of it in a stationary engine genset, like the lister type, is a much more controlled, with fewer complications then a mobile arrangement such as a vehicle. In my case, the engine sits in an insulated room where temperature and load are easily controlled, in an environment that periodic maintenance and even repair can easily be performed. To be honest, I don't know the long term effects of using this fuel. I do everything I can to insure that it is well filtered and dewatered before being used. I will periodically pull the head for decoking. At the same time, I will inspect rings and cylinder for wear and or build up. I will then adjust my maintenance intervals based on what is observed. Over time, a body of data and experiences will be available for sharing to others. I only hope we all allows other to share their lessons in whatever course they take, and learn from their experiences. Honestly, the worth of this forum is diminished if we prevent the free flow of ideas and experiences to take place. Just my opinion.