I am runnung the engine at reduces speed because it is much quieter than at 650rpm, I am in a suburban area, to it helps a lot. The flywheels I have on the engine now are spoked, the one I am considering adding is a stover type, not quote a slid flywheel, but heavier than the spoked. As far as the belt, it is a "K" section, 8 rib,
I agree that if the flywheel were machined this issue may go away, I am afraid to get a quote from a machine shop for this, God knows what they would charge. Has anyone had this done after purchase?
The metro engines have grooves machined into the flywheels, but you may be right I could see a shop here refusing to to this.
I was going to move up to a 6" pulley, but Mike no longer makes them.
any other suggestions?